Dxchart resize

The widget occupies its container's entire area by default. Use the size object to specify the widget's size if it should be different from that of its container. Assign 0 to size object's height and width options to hide the widget. Regardless of the data source on the input, the Chart always wraps it in the DataSource object. This object allows you to sort, filter, group, and otherwise shape data. To get its instance, call the getDataSource() method. After providing data, bind series to it. Deselects the chart's selected series. The series is displayed in an initial style. dispose() Disposes of all the resources allocated to the Chart instance. element() Gets the root widget element. endUpdate() Refreshes the widget after a call of the beginUpdate() method. exportTo(fileName, format) Exports the widget. getAllSeries() Gets all the series.

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